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Paper Wasps: Winter’s Unexpected Tenants

Paper Wasps: Winter’s Unexpected Tenants

Paper Wasps: Winter’s Unexpected Tenants


s specialists in pesticide yard treatment, our journey often takes us into the intricate world of insects, where we encounter nature’s surprises firsthand. Today, we unravel a lesser-known aspect of paper wasps: their ability to stick around during winter. Join us on this journey to discover the fascinating world of these resilient insects and how to manage their presence during the colder months.

Paper Wasps: A Brief Introduction

Paper wasps belong to the genus Polistes and are known for their distinctive nests made of paper-like material. They are social insects, forming colonies with a clear hierarchy that includes a queen, workers, and drones. These wasps are often found in gardens, woodlands, and around human dwellings.

The Winter Conundrum

In regions with harsh winters, most insects opt for hibernation or die off as temperatures plummet. However, paper wasps employ a unique strategy to endure the cold. Unlike their honeybee cousins, paper wasps do not have the luxury of a warm hive and must brave the winter elements.

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